AI Assignment and Dissertation Writing Service UK Modern Slavery Statement

AI Assignment and Dissertation Writing Service (“we,” “us,” “our”) is committed to combating modern slavery in all its forms. We believe that all individuals have the right to work in a safe and ethical environment, free from forced labour, human trafficking, and other forms of exploitation.

  1. Our Business

We are a provider of academic writing services, offering assistance with assignments, dissertations, and other academic work. Our business operates primarily in the United Kingdom and serves customers worldwide.

  1. Our Policies and Practices

We are committed to ensuring that our policies and practices are aligned with our values and principles on modern slavery. We have implemented the following policies and practices to combat modern slavery in our operations:

  • Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy: We have adopted an Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy that outlines our commitment to combatting modern slavery in our operations and supply chain. The policy sets out our zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and provides guidance on how to report any concerns or suspicions of modern slavery.
  • Supplier Code of Conduct: We require our suppliers to adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct, which includes provisions on human rights, labour rights, and ethical business practices. The code prohibits the use of forced labour, child labour, and other forms of exploitation, and requires suppliers to maintain safe and healthy working conditions.
  • Due Diligence: We conduct due diligence on our suppliers to ensure that they meet our standards on modern slavery. We assess our suppliers’ policies and practices on human rights, labour rights, and ethical business practices, and require them to provide evidence of compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct.
  • Training and Awareness: We provide training and awareness to our employees on modern slavery and human trafficking, including how to identify and report any concerns or suspicions of modern slavery.
  1. Our Supply Chain

We recognize that modern slavery is a complex issue that affects many industries and regions. We are committed to ensuring that our supply chain is free from modern slavery and exploitation. We take the following steps to assess and manage the risk of modern slavery in our supply chain:

  • Supplier Due Diligence: We conduct due diligence on our suppliers to assess their policies and practices on human rights, labor rights, and ethical business practices. We require suppliers to provide evidence of compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct, and we may conduct site visits or audits to verify compliance.
  • Risk Assessment: We assess the risk of modern slavery in our supply chain based on factors such as the nature of the supplier’s business, the geographic region, and the potential for exploitation. We prioritize suppliers with a higher risk of modern slavery for closer scrutiny and monitoring.
  • Monitoring and Remediation: We monitor our suppliers’ compliance with our policies and practices on modern slavery, and we take remedial action if we identify any instances of non-compliance. Remedial action may include terminating the supplier relationship or requiring the supplier to implement corrective actions.
  1. Our Progress

We are committed to continuous improvement in our efforts to combat modern slavery. We regularly review and update our policies and practices to ensure that they are effective and aligned with best practices.

  1. Reporting Concerns

We encourage all individuals to report any concerns or suspicions of modern slavery in our operations or supply chain. Reports can be made confidentially and anonymously through our whistleblowing hotline or email address. We take all reports seriously and investigate them promptly and thoroughly.

  1. Our Commitment

We are committed to combating modern slavery in all its forms and to promoting ethical business practices throughout our operations and supply chain. We will continue to review and update our policies and practices to ensure that we are aligned with best practices and that we are doing our part to eliminate modern slavery from our industry

  1. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our Modern Slavery Statement or our efforts to combat modern slavery, please contact us at